
What is WordPress Hosting? Must-read before buying best WordPress hosting in 2023.

If you are looking at starting a website then WordPress can be a fantastic choice. It allows people to create their own blogs/websites. You don’t need any programming knowledge to use WordPress – once installed it is easy to start creating your own site. WordPress can be used for many different things including websites, blogs, online stores, and even wiki sites.
In order to understand what is WordPress hosting, you must first understand what WordPress is?

What is WordPress Hosting?

What is WordPress? What was its origin ?

Overview of WordPress:

WordPress is a free content management system(CMS) written in PHP under the GNU General Public License. WordPress was first released under the name b2/cafelog in May 27, 2003, by Automattic founder Matt Mullenweg and developer Mike Little and the name “WordPress” was suggested by Christine Selleck Tremoulet a friend of Matt Mullenweg.

In addition to its use as a blogging platform, WordPress powers hundreds of thousands of websites ranging from personal homepages and local business sites to online magazines, creative agencies, community news sites, public broadcasting stations, and even large corporations.

In this article, we are going to explain what exactly WordPress hosting is. We have also listed some of the best WordPress Hosting providers out there.

What is WordPress Hosting?

A WordPress hosting service is simply hosting a website that has been optimized for WordPress performance. Hosting for WordPress refers to the fact that your website resides on a server that is dedicated to hosting WordPress websites.

You could perhaps buy Shared, Managed, VPS, or Dedicated hosting individually and then install WordPress CMS on that hosting to create a WordPress website.

It is far simpler to buy WordPress optimized hosting (WordPress Hosting) directly from the hosting companies, and it offers better technical performance because it is designed specifically for WordPress sites.

You can create a website or blog using WordPress is the easiest way and best economical option.

You will be able to publish content on your site within minutes with WordPress hosting because it comes with a WordPress installed and an easy-to-use control panel.

Aside from that, with some hosting companies, WordPress is typically installed with one click, making it simple for users to get started.

Performance and security are two of the reasons why people like WordPress hosting.

How does WordPress hosting work ?

WordPress hosting refers to where your WordPress-optimized files are stored on the internet. A web server keeps track of what’s going on with your website and sends requests to your computer (via PHP) that allow your website to function.

Your host provides space on their servers for you to upload your content into (folders) which is specially optimized for WordPress files.

This might be shared storage or dedicated to each user account. They supply a username and password.

Bluehst wordpress hosting panel
Bluehst wordpress hosting panel

WordPress uses this information along with database credentials to connect to its own system and add the details of your hosting plan to the database.

You get access to your website through a unique address called an IP address. Your domain name points to the location of your website; your IP address points to the place where your data is stored.

Do you know how many websites are created by the WordPress platform?

W3Techs reports that 42.7% of all websites on the Internet are powered by WordPress..

Wordpress statistics usage bestwebhostingview.com
WordPress statistics usage bestwebhostingview.com

And in the CMS world, 65.1% of all websites use WordPress as their content management system.

Before you consider wordpress hosting providers in the market you should know about WordPress Features.

What are the features of WordPress Hosting:

Compared to normal web hosting, WordPress hosting offers a number of benefits, including;

WordPress Hosting Features

  • 1-click WordPress installs
  • Easy setup and fast performance.
  • Easy Drag and Drop Website Templates
  • Fast SSD Storage
  • Optimized for WordPress
  • Automatic software updates
  • Variety of Plugins
  • Automatic plugin updates
  • Enhanced security. …
  • Regular backups…. etc

What Are The Advantages Of Using WordPress Hosting?

The 5 advantages of using WordPress hosting over other types of hosting are many. However, if you are planning to create your own blog or website, then it would make sense to use WordPress hosting since this is the most popular CMS (content management system). In fact, it is estimated that about nearly 43 percent of the websites online today use WordPress. This figure is expected to rise even higher in the near future. Some of the advantages of WordPress hosting include these listed below:

Advantage 1: You can easily build a website without having any technical skills. All you need to do is install WordPress on your web host account and begin building your site. You don’t have to get into complicated programming languages like C++, PHP, JSP, HTML5 etc., to create a website.

Advantage 2: Your content automatically updates. When you update your existing site, WordPress automatically saves the changes made on your computer. Even though you may not be working on your current site at that time, you can still access your previous work.

Advantage 3: Easy to use interface. With a simple and easy-to-use interface, WordPress makes creating a website possible for anyone who has no prior knowledge of coding. You simply start typing and editing text and images. WordPress comes with a built-in editor called Visual Editor. You can learn how to edit posts, pages, add media files, manage comments and much more by watching video tutorials on various sites.

Advantage 4: Unlimited space and bandwidth. If you are running a business, it is always great news when you find out that you have unlimited data transfer and disk space. Because of its ability to store large amounts of information, WordPress is capable of storing thousands of articles and videos. It also allows you to upload multiple image files simultaneously.

Advantage 5: Built-in security. One of the things you hate doing when you have created a website is keeping track of your passwords. Fortunately, WordPress comes with a built in password manager named Dashboard. You don’t have worry losing your login credentials anymore.

WordPress.org vs WordPress.com

What is the difference between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org?

If you’re using WordPress for your website, you may have noticed that there are two different versions of the software – WordPress.com (which hosts many websites) and WordPress.org (a free version).

Using WordPress.org, you can build and maintain your own website, since everything is created, maintained, and managed on your own.

Unlike WordPress.org, WordPress.com lets you create a custom site while also giving you access to the WordPress.com team that will oversee and maintain it.


The company Automattic operates WordPress.com, which is a service for building, editing, and publishing websites.

There is a free and paid plan available for WordPress.com, which enables you to create, edit, and publish websites.

This website provides you with a free hosted service where everything is done for you. They have set up a beautiful platform for you to use that makes it really easy to build a website.

WordPress.com allows users to start building their own personal blog or website at absolutely no cost, but with limited customization options which limited to 3Gb web hosting space with its free plan..

There is no need to register and buy a domain name. The WordPress.com subdomain will be your website’s domain name if you choose the free version.

On the other hand, WordPress.org is entirely yours.


WordPress.org website allows you to host your own blog (website).

You can create your own WordPress login/password.

This is great if you want to have complete control over your content. If this is the case then you need to for a web hosting provider which you choose yourself.

Unlike wordpress.com You decide where to host your WordPress site, whether it’s at your hosting company’s server or at a cloud-based hosting service such as Bluehost, Hostinger, WPX, etc.

It depends on your needs which platform you should select.

WordPress.org might be the best choice if you want the flexibility to create and manage your own site.

The WordPress.com platform is the perfect platform for those who want to focus on creating their websites and connecting with their visitors, instead of worrying about the technical details.

How to choose best web hosting for wordpress Hosting?

There are several types of WordPress hosting plans available and they differ from each other depending on their features and prices. Some plans offer unlimited storage space, unlimited bandwidth, etc., while some provide only limited services.

To choose the best WordPress web hosting provider, you need to consider your requirements and budget as well as the features offered by the web host.

Choosing the right WordPress hosting provider can be tricky although it seems very straightforward.

6 main important things you should consider before signing up for a best WordPress hosting Plan.

  1. Performance – WordPress performance can vary depending on your host’s server hardware as well as how many visitors visit your site at any given time. If you are looking for WordPress hosting that has been optimized for speed and security, then choose from our list of recommended web hosts below.
  2. Security – When selecting a website hosting service provider, make sure they offer tools like free daily backups, automatic malware scanning, etc. They should also have a dedicated 24/7 customer support team ready to assist you immediately if you ever experience any issues.
  3. Cost – There are literally hundreds of different types of WordPress hosting plans out there. Each type of plan offers varying features and options. Check out our top picks for the best WordPress hosting services here.
  4. Support – Find out what kind of support each type of hosting service provides before signing up. Some companies provide only basic technical support while others offer premium support through their hosting packages. Premium support often includes phone or chat support, access to expert technicians via ticket system, and other perks. You want to find a company that delivers great support along with its excellent hosting services.
  5. Reputation – Look into the reputation of a company hosting your site. Do they have a good record of security breaches? Have customers complained about them? Are they reliable? These are all questions you need answered before choosing a hosting provider.
  6. Ease-of-use – The easiest way to get started on WordPress is with self-hosted sites. However, not everyone has the skills needed to manage their own servers, especially if you do not have prior knowledge. A managed WordPress hosting package might seem appealing but you have no control over the server settings, software updates, etc. Hosting providers usually offer free setup help and tutorials too.

Conclusion: Which Web Hosting is best for WordPress?

Hope You will find some tips on how to choose the best WordPress hosting service in this guide.

A successful website depends on reliable web hosting, a feature that is often overlooked. Optimizing your SEO and increasing sales are all possibilities with the right WordPress hosting.

If you aren’t using the best WordPress web hosting, your site won’t perform well.

With this guide, we want to share what we have learned over the years about what you should consider when choosing a hosting company.

In order to make your decision easier, we did a detailed comparison of the top WordPress hosting providers in terms of speed, uptime, and reliability.

You can read this article :
Best Optimized WordPress Hosting Plans Review 2022: An Overview of best WordPress hosting providers
for in-depth details about optimized WordPress plans from the best web hosting providers.

Here we listed out the Offer price of the best wordpress hosting plans you should go their website and check yourself.

Best web hosting Offers for WordPress Hosting Plans :

Bluehost Coupon$ 2.95/m> Visit Bluehost
DREAMHOST wordpress hosting$ 1.99/m> Visit Dreamhost
Hostinger-wordpress-hosting$ 1.99/m> Visit Hostinger
Fastcomet web hosting plans$ 3.95/m> View Fastcomet
Hostgator Shared Hosting$ 5.95/m> Visit Hostgator
Namecheap Reseller Hosting$ 4.88/m> Visit Namecheap
Flywheel managed wordpress hosting$ 13/m> Visit Flywheel
WPX-managed-wordpress-hosting$ 24.99/m> Visit WPX Hosting
Nexcess Offers | Nexcess Coupon$ 15.83/m> View Nexcess
Best web hosting Offers for WordPress Hosting Plans

Faq on WordPress hosting.

What should you consider before choosing a WordPress hosting service?

We listed here 8 Tips to consider before you choose your best web hosting for WordPress.

1. Is the hosting type optimized for WordPress?
2. The cost of WordPress hosting.
3. How much storage space do you need for your WordPress hosting?.
4. How many domains do you need to host for WordPress?.
5. Are you looking for shared WordPress or managed WordPress or dedicated WordPress?
6. Does the company provide a dedicated customer support team for WordPress hosting?
7. What security and backup options are available for your WordPress hosting plan.
8. Is the migration service free or does it cost money?

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